

 Applying to study abroad is a two-step process during your sophomore year.  First, you must apply for BMC approval to study abroad by the required deadline.  下一个, when you have received approval through BMC, you must apply for admission to the program of your choice.

The application is located in the BMC Students Menu of 仿生 (点击这里查看截图).  The application must be submitted by the appropriate deadline (12月ember or 2月ruary, 取决于你的项目).  The application asks you to identify your program and term of study.  除了, there are several short reflection questions that provide an opportunity for you to communicate your reasons for your program choice, 你的计划和目标. For each question, you may write up to 250 words. It is recommended that you type your responses in a Word document and copy and paste them into the study abroad application.

作为你大二计划的一部分, you should discuss with your dean how study abroad fits into your academic plan to complete your degree. The College-Wide Requirements Plan you fill out with your dean should indicate whether you plan to study abroad.  Students applying for Early Application programs should complete this step by the 12月ember deadline; for all other students, it must be completed by the general Sophomore Plan deadlines.

Before receiving final approval for study abroad, you must have declared your major.  You must also have your major adviser submit a 出国留学 Major Adviser Evaluation Form, found in the 出国留学 box at the bottom of your Major Work Plan in your Student Center in 仿生. Please note that your major adviser must give specific approval for the particular program and term of study (Fall, 春天, or 满一年) to which you are applying. Students applying for Early Application programs must complete this step by the 12月ember deadline; for all other students, it must be completed by the general Sophomore Plan deadlines. (Students majoring at Haverford should have their advisers complete the 出国留学 Major Adviser Evaluation form 而不是.) 

如果你是双学位, you only need to ask the adviser listed for Major 1 in your Major Work Plan to complete the form. It is your responsibility to inform the adviser for your second major of your study abroad plans.

Application Review 过程 and 时间轴


  • All study abroad applications are carefully reviewed by the 出国留学 Committee. 
  • The Committee is guided in its review by the 资格要求
  • The Committee notifies students of their acceptance status in January and March.  
  • 审查正在进行中, the Committee will communicate with students about how and when to submit external applications.


The application dates for studying abroad in the 24-25 Academic Year are as follows:

  • 11月. 15, 2023: Application on 仿生 opens
  • 12月. 1, 2023: Early Application Programs Deadline (Oxford, 伦敦政治经济学院, 伦敦国王学院, 杜克大学可以, 说, 坐IHP, BCSP, Exchange Partner Institutions - Sciences Po, 津田, 庆应, 南大, 河口, 斯佩尔曼学院), 满一年
  • 2月. 15, 2024: Application deadline: all other approved programs, Fall 2024 and 春天 2025 
  • March 15, 2024: Applicants notified of acceptance 
  • April 1, 2024: 出国留学 Pre-Departure Moodle Page Live


Bryn Mawr students who are eligible to study abroad typically do so for one semester in the fall of the junior year. Students who hope to study abroad for the spring semester or for a full year must meet certain criteria.

  1. Criteria for 春天 出国留学
    A limited number of spring spaces will be available for students whose academic or athletic commitments require their presence on campus in the fall. If you are to study abroad in the spring semester, the application will ask you to indicate the reason you are unable to study abroad in the fall semester. 

  2. Criteria for Full-Year 出国留学
    Only foreign language majors or students applying to Oxford or 伦敦政治经济学院 may study abroad for the full academic year. The 出国留学 Committee will consider requests for exceptions to this policy from students who present a compelling academic plan for a full year of immersion on a program central to their academic interests.




Eugenia Chase Guild Hall, Lower Level
9 a.m. 到5点.m.星期一至星期五

For Bryn Mawr 出国留学 Students:
Click here to see my availability and schedule an advising appointment.

10 a.m.-12 p.m. (尼莎)
3-5 p.m. (Holly)
3-5 p.m. (Holly)
10 a.m.-12 p.m. (尼莎)